Improve team bonding among remote workers in 5 steps

Improve team bonding among remote workers in 5 steps

Today, the concept of remote workers is gaining a firm ground in the corporate sector. It is common for companies to hire remote workers. Advancement in communication is one of the major factors that has made it possible for employers to create teams with remote workers. According to studies, remote workers are much more productive than in-house workers.

People today prefer to work remotely, not because it’s convenient, but because they believe they are more productive this way. Employers can save a considerable amount of money with remote workers as they do not have to spend money on buying furniture and providing physical facilities for the employees. Even though this brings convenience in the lives of workers as well the employers, it brings with it some unavoidable challenges.

Team bonding is essential for maximizing productivity. When a team consists of remote workers, it becomes difficult for the employers to encourage the team members to bond and create a positive working environment.

Here is a 5-step guide that will help you improve team bonding among remote workers and enjoy its benefits, including increased productivity and enhanced efficiency.

Step 1: Hire the Right Character Fit

Employers need to understand that just because a candidate possesses the right skill, they can work with remote workers. Not all people can work remotely, and it can create problems for the employer and even for the other team members. The attributes that you need to look for in a remote worker are open and friendly communication style, self-discipline, determination, creative, and innovative. 

Step 2: Establish Reliable Lines of Communication

Communication is the most vital part of a remote working environment. Developing reliable lines of communication is very important for building a strong bond among remote workers. When you hire a new remote worker, schedule a video-conference with all your remote workers a part of it. You can find many reliable free group video conferencing applications.

Step 3: Regular Face-to-Face Interactions

In-house workers meet their co-workers every day and even have conversations on coffee and even at the water cooler. It is something that is not possible when a team consists of remote workers. You must hold a meeting regularly and let the team workers interact with each other. It does not have to be a video conference. 

Step 4: Design Collaborative Tasks

Another way to encourage team bonding among your remote workers is by giving them collaborative tasks. Encourage your remote employees to interact at a personal level. They do not have to communicate with you in the loop all the time. When you assign collaborative tasks, you help your remote workers connect and bond.

Step 5: Set Aside Time for Team Events and Excursions

Despite the efforts, it is difficult to strengthen the team bond in a team of remote workers. You need to set aside time for time events and excursions. When the whole group comes together, it will create a very strong bond among the members, and you will enjoy the perks of top-notch employee performance.

If you want to maximize the productivity of your remote workers, you need to encourage team bonding as much as possible. Hiring remote workers is now a significant part of every business plan. You will be surprised to see how efficiently the workers are performing when there is a strong team bonding among the remote workers!

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